Timemachine is just raw pacp and while it does integrate with Bro, Moloch’s gui is way waaaaayyy better.
Command line is king.
1. Install prereqs
yum install cmake make gcc gcc-c++ flex bison l openssl-devel python-devel swig zlib-devel git numactl numactl-devel httpd-tools readline readline-devel
2. Grab timemachine
git clone –recursive git://git.bro.org/time-machine
3. Install
cd time-machine
./configure –prefix=/opt/timemachine –conf-files-dir=/etc/timemachine
make install
mkdir /pcap
mkdir /pcap/timemachine
mkdir /pcap/timemachine/indexes
mkdir /pcap/timemachine/queries
4. Config. Here’s an example /etc/timemachine.cfg
main {
## The device to sniff.
device “eth1”;
## Directories for packet captures, logs, and indexes.
workdir “/pcap/timemachine”;
indexdir “/pcap/timemachine/indexes”;
queryfiledir “/pcap/timemachine/queries”;
## Name for the log to be stored in <workdir>
logfile “timemachine.log”;
## Set this value to ‘1’ for daemon mode
daemon 1;
## If you are running in daemon, this has to be 0
console 0;
## How often in seconds timemachine should log stats.
log_interval 600;
## A BPF filter to apply before sniffing any traffic.
filter “not esp and not tcp port 443 and not udp port 4500 and not udp port 500”;
## Tune the length of time that TimeMachine will retain
## information about connections to correctly perform
## the connection cutoff feature.
conn_timeout 180;
## Set this to ‘0’ to disable the remote console.
#rmtconsole 1;
#rmtconsole_port 42042;
## If TimeMachine was built Broccoli support, this
## will enable it and the other options will configure
## how it behaves.
#bro_listen 1;
#bro_listen_port 47757;
## Index configuration.
## Default is to enable all indexes w/disk index
index “connection4” disk;
index “connection3” disk;
index “connection2” disk;
index “ip” disk;
class “else” {
filter “”;
precedence 10;
cutoff 10k;
disk 190000g;
filesize 1g;
mem 1g;
class “http” {
filter “port 80 and port 8080”;
precedence 50;
cutoff 256k;
disk 190000g;
filesize 1g;
mem 1g;
class “dns” {
filter “udp port 53 and tcp port 53”;
precedence 50;
cutoff 10k;
disk 190000g;
filesize 1g;
mem 1g;
class “smtp” {
filter “tcp port 25 and tcp port 587”;
precedence 50;
cutoff 1m;
disk 190000g;
filesize 1g;
mem 1g;
5. Start it.
6. Sit back and watch your disk fill up.
7. Install and learn tshark, and other tools in the wireshark suite.