I have started my training for my CISSP, so many many cool links will be posted on this site. Well, cool if you’re a huge nerd. Here’s the first few. Pentesting Framework: CISSP Training Resources: 17799

Password Protect Splunk

Here’s my fig for Ubuntu 8.10 Server. $ cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/splunk<virtualhost X.X.X.X:80> ServerAdmin root@localhost ServerAlias ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / ErrorLog /var/log/ CustomLog /var/log/ common</virtualhost><proxy*> Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from all AuthName “” AuthType Basic AuthUserFile Read more…

Overclock the EEE PC in Backtrack 3

Get the cpufrequtils package from http://www.linuxpackages.netCreate a script like so: #!/bin/bashmodprobe p4-clockmodmodprobe freq_tablemodprobe cpufreq_ondemandmodprobe cpufreq_conservativemodprobe cpufreq_powersavemodprobe cpufrew_performancecpufreq-set -g performance You can use any of the governor options listed above as the g option for cpufreq-set. cat /proc/cpuinfo.