Kibana Installation

CentOS6 again. Download the latest version of kibana from /var/www/ wget tar zxvf kibana* rm kibana*.gz mv kibana* kibana3 Create a kibana configuration file for Apache. <VirtualHost YOURIP:80>  ServerName FQDN   DocumentRoot /var/www/kibana3  <Directory /var/www/kibana3>    Allow from all    Read more…

Logstash with Bro

Logstash InstallationThe Logstash package shares the same GPG Key as Elasticsearch, and we already installed that public key, so let’s create and edit a new Yum repository file for Logstash:sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/logstash.repo Add the following repository configuration:[logstash-1.4]name=logstash repository for 1.4.x Read more…