I have started my training for my CISSP, so many many cool links will be posted on this site. Well, cool if you’re a huge nerd. Here’s the first few. Pentesting Framework: CISSP Training Resources: 17799

Password Protect Splunk

Here’s my fig for Ubuntu 8.10 Server. $ cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/splunk<virtualhost X.X.X.X:80> ServerAdmin root@localhost ServerAlias ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / ErrorLog /var/log/ CustomLog /var/log/ common</virtualhost><proxy*> Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from all AuthName “” AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /var/www/.htpasswd Require valid-user</proxy>$ cat /var/www/.htaccessAuthUserFile /var/www/.htpasswdAuthName “Authorized Users Only”AuthType Basicrequire Read more…

Overclock the EEE PC in Backtrack 3

Get the cpufrequtils package from http://www.linuxpackages.netCreate a script like so: #!/bin/bashmodprobe p4-clockmodmodprobe freq_tablemodprobe cpufreq_ondemandmodprobe cpufreq_conservativemodprobe cpufreq_powersavemodprobe cpufrew_performancecpufreq-set -g performance You can use any of the governor options listed above as the g option for cpufreq-set. cat /proc/cpuinfo.

Transparent Proxy

I’ve been working with Websense for many years. It’s very pricey and since not everyone can afford it, I have had to find a workaround. The answer for me is simply safesquid. Here’s how I did it with very little user intervention, and no touching of client pcs/macs. Step 1. Read more…


For a while now, I’ve been trying to find a way to run a sniffer at some location and monitor it remotely via a web page or some curses based GUI. I’ve been working with Snort for years. The web interfaces like Base are ok, but I’ve always wanted a Read more…


I recently installed one of these at my house, and have to say that I’m very impressed. It was easy to install and tweaking the hardware wasn’t too bad. The admin web interface makes it all worth it. The TV UI is amazing. Imagine controlling every device in your home Read more…

Debian P2V

This is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to move a physical linux server to vmware. 1. Boot to the Acronis server cd.2. Create a backup image of the entire disk.3. Create an Ubuntu virtual machine in VMware workstation using drive size equivalent to the source server. You do Read more…