Was trying out the Kali Linux Evil ISO but found that I needed to create certs for the VPN.  This used to be a huge pain in the ass, but through this I’ve found Easy-RSA, and it truly is easy.

1. Like in the evil ISO howto, copy /usr/share/easy-rsa/ somewhere.
#cp -rf /usr/share/easy-rsa/ vpn

2. Steps below will create a “keys” directory for you.

3. Edit .vars to change the key location info if you need to, then run
#source .vars

4. Run ./clean-all to delete any keys already there.

5. Run ./build-ca to build the ca certs.

6. Build the server keys with  ./build-key-server server

7. Build the client keys with ./build-key client.

8. Create the Diffie Hellman parameters file with ./build-dh

You should have a directory contents similar to this:

root@kali:~/vpn/keys# ls
ca.key      client.key    server.csr
client.crt  dh2048.pem   server.key
ca.crt  client.csr  server.crt

9. Copy the ca.* and dh2048.pem files to both server and client /etc/openvpn/ dirs.

10. Then copy server.* to server and client.* to client /etc/openvpn/ dirs.

Then, proceed with openvpn config in /etc/openvpn/server.conf and /etc/openvpn/client.conf respectively.


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