I have 2 ASA 5510s and an IPS 4240 on the way.  I can do most of the stuff in the classes and workbooks with the gear I already have.  I’ll use rack rental for the Wifi, ISE and other stuff that requires more recent hardware or hard to get software.  And definitely for all mock labs.

I have this currently.  http://www.ine.com/resources/ccierack.htm

To do most of the labs I need to rewire and move some things around.  The frame relay stuff stays.  Just shut down all serial interfaces on r4, r5, and r6.  I’m taking out switch2 and switch3 and replacing with ASA1 and ASA2.

The rewire goes like so…

move f0/1 to sw2 f0/3.

move f0/0 to sw1 f0/4
move f0/1 to sw2 f0/4

move f0/1 to sw2 f0/5

move f0/0 to sw1 f0/6
move f0/1 to sw2 f0/6

m0/0 to sw1 f0/12
e0/0 to sw2 f0/12
e0/1 to sw1 f0/13
e0/2 to sw2 f0/13
e0/3 to sw1 f0/8

m0/0 to sw1 f0/14
e0/0 to sw2 f0/14
e0/1 to sw1 f0/15
e0/2 to sw2 f0/15
e0/3 to sw1 f0/9

Control to sw1 f0/10
g0/0 to sw2 f0/7
g0/1 to sw2 f0/8
g0/2 to sw2 f0/9
g0/2 to sw2 f0/10

ACS Server on sw1 f0/20

Trunk links between sw1 and sw2 on f0/21 – 23

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